
The theme of the NECCDC 2021 Season was MOBILITY

A Quote from the 2021 Team Packet regarding the years theme:

“As the industry has seen in the last year, computer systems and the data they house can change location rapidly. Systems may need to be moved with little planning or forethought and that presents a unique set of challenges to those tasked with securing them. This is particularly true when security teams have little time, in advance, to secure the new location of these systems. Securing systems in a mobile landscape presents challenges to traditional security doctrine. Endpoint detection and identity management become paramount while perimeter security and the utilization of trusted systems become much harder. Similarly, supporting these systems and their users becomes more challenging.”

In the 2021 Students ran NEWSCRIER.ORG

Here is a description from the Team Packet:

“The NECCDC 2021 Season scenario places student competitors as employees of NEWSCRIER.ORG. NewsCrier is a non-profit global news agency that is responsible for collecting and verifying news in many countries. During the NECCDC 2021 Regionals, you will be working as the NewsCrier global security team supporting offices in multiple countries and additional critical NewsCrier systems.”